Bites of Compose 12

Use LayoutModifier to implement padding

Guowei Lv

2 minute read

LayoutModifier is a very important type of Modifier in Compose. It can decorate its component’s layout. So let’s get an idea of what this means by implementing padding using it. Let’s try to add a 10dp padding around a Text. class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { LayoutModifierPadding() } } } @Composable fun LayoutModifierPadding() { Box( modifier = Modifier .size(100.dp) .background(Color.LightGray) ) { Text( "Hello!

Bites of Compose 11


Guowei Lv

1 minute read

Let’s see an example of how to use LookAheadLayout to implement shared view transition animation. Here is the code: @Composable fun Avatar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { Box( modifier = modifier .size(100.dp) .background(Color.Green) ) } @OptIn(ExperimentalComposeUiApi::class) @Composable fun CustomLookAheadLayout3() { var flag by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } var lookaheadOffset by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset.Zero) } val lookaheadOffsetAnim by animateOffsetAsState( targetValue = lookaheadOffset, animationSpec = TweenSpec(durationMillis = 500), label = "" ) val sharedView = remember { movableContentOf { Avatar( modifier = Modifier .

Guowei Lv

1 minute read

Let’s see an example of how to do custom layout in compose using Layout(). @Composable fun CustomLayout(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, content: @Composable () -> Unit) { Layout(modifier = modifier, content = content) { measurables, constraints -> var width = 0 var height = 0 val offset = 10.dp.toPx().roundToInt() val placeables = { measurable -> measurable.measure(constraints).also { placeable -> width = max(placeable.width, width) height += placeable.height } } layout(width = width + offset * placeables.

Bites of Compose 9

using native Canvas in Compose

Guowei Lv

1 minute read

Let’s see an example of using the Android’s native Canvas in Compose. One of the things that is impossible to do in Compose is doing 3D rotation. Let’s see how to get hold of the native Canvas and do it the old way.

@Composable fun MyView() { val image = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.avatar) val paint by remember { mutableStateOf(Paint()) } val animatable = remember { Animatable(0f) } val camera by remember { mutableStateOf(Camera()) } LaunchedEffect(Unit) { animatable.

Bites of Compose 8


Guowei Lv

2 minute read

Today’s topic is rememberCoroutineScope. Situation 1 How to launch a Coroutine in Compose? Can we “just do it” ? class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { lifecycleScope.launch { } } } } Answer Apparently, no. Android studio gives an error saying “Calls to launch should happen inside a LaunchedEffect and not composition”. OK, now we know that we shouldn’t do it and how to fix it by using LaunchedEffect.