Bites of Compose 15


Guowei Lv

2 minute read

Let’s take a look at the simplest way to implement animation in Compose, which is using animateXXXAsState() set of functions.

Let’s say we want to increase the size of a Box by 10.dp every time we click on it.

We already know how to do it without animation:

fun AnimationDemo() {
    var target by remember {

        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { target += 10.dp }

To add in some animation, we need to create another animatedTarget that will change over time.

fun AnimationDemo() {
    var target by remember {
    val animatedTarget by animateDpAsState(target, label = "")

        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { target += 10.dp }

We change the target in onClick, but use the animatedTarget to set the size of the Box.

What’s happening under the hood is that every time we change the value of target , a coroutine will get started to change the value of the State produced by calling animateDpAsState().

It’s all very simple and easy. But there is one limitation, you cannot set the animation’s start value. I mean if the Box is 48.dp now, and I want to start the animation from 96.dp to 100.dp, there is no way to do it with animateXXXAsState() set of functions. We need something else, stay tuned for next post!

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