Bites of Compose 13

Mental model of LayoutModifier

Guowei Lv

2 minute read

When we have multiple LayoutModifiers, how do we think about them?

In this post, I will introduce a useful mental model.

First we need to understand that LayoutModifier determines size and position of a component.

The model is simple, let’s say we have the following code:

    text = "Hello",
    modifier = Modifier
        .background(Color.Green) // ignore this for now, only for understanding purpose

We can think of this as:

[PaddingModifier(20dp), [SizeModifier(50dp), ComponentInternal]]

The ComponentInternal is the original size and position of the Text("hello").

The final size and position will be determined by the following process:

  1. PaddingModifier(20dp): whatever comes to me from the right side, I will add a 20dp padding around it.
  2. SizeModifier(50dp): whatever comes to me from the right side, I dictate your size to be exactly 50dp.

The end result is:

Now let’s look at another example:

    text = "Hello",
    modifier = Modifier

This looks weird, has two SizeModifier. Then what is the final size???

Based on our mental model:

[SizeModifier(100dp), [SizeModifier(50dp), TextSize]]

This final size is determined by the following process:

  1. SizeModifier(100dp): whatever comes to me from the right side, I dictate your size to be exactly 100dp
  2. SizeModifier(50dp): whatever comes to me from the right side, I dictate your size to be exactly 50dp. But I also need to obey the constraints passed to me from my left side (exactly 100dp), the rule is that I always listen to my left side, so the finally result will be 100dp
  3. There is a param called enforceIncoming, and for SizeModifier it is set to true, which means that the left one will overwrite the right one.

The result will be:

Let’s flip things around:

    text = "Hello",
    modifier = Modifier

This time the size will be 50dp.

There is actually this requiredSize modifier, let’s see how that behaves.

    text = "Hello",
    modifier = Modifier

The only difference here is that in requiredSize modifier, the enforceIncoming is set to false, which means the left overwrites the right does not work anymore.

  1. SizeModifier(100dp): whatever comes to me from the right side, I dictate your size to be exactly 100dp.
  2. RequiredSizeModifier(50dp): whatever comes to me from the right size, I dictate your size to be exactly 50dp, and I will not listen to the constraints passed to me from my left side.

So the end result is:

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